Friday, July 15, 2011
Like the waves of the occean.
Life is sometimes a rip tide and others a soft lapping wave. The water can appear devouring or serene. Catch and ride every wave that presents itself to you and devour it's energy. Like eating cherry's savor the fruit and spit out the pits and enjoy life and sleep well to obtain maximum comfort.
The start of a new day.
Stand back and assess. Are you tired and a better question are you tired of being tired?? Here are a few things that help add to the quality of your life. Give 110% of yourself and like it. Keep score only of your joy and inner peace! When you go to pick roses watch out for the thorns .... for with the beauty of life come the pricks. Make every moment your own and keep your power for your self. Have a great day.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The outlook is good.
The sun is bright and birds chirping. Go see a comedy to escape the sun like Bridesmaid was a riot!! or go swimming or hiking or what ever just enjoy and call it a day. The San Fran Aids walk is the 17th of this month around golden gate park 6 plus miles for a great cause! Cheers.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Terrific variaty every day.
If your in the market for a new futon and want top notch comfort style and value then your in the right place. For 35 years The Futon Shop has been satisfying a huge customer and the product lasts and lasts and is loved. Come check us out. Cheers!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Wool and cotton
So glad in this heat to have a futon that is wool and cotton to keep my body temperature regulated and cotton to keep my body cool when sleeping like a baby instead of sweating profusely. I wake up refreshed and ready to start a fresh day with plenty of rest to keep me motivated and relaxed. Try one you'll be glad you did.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Kick your shoes off.
Are you ready to incorporate heath to the outside of your body like you do with the healthy organic diet you consume now. You dress nice eat well exercise and work hard now is the time to treat your body to a futon mattress fit for a King or Queen contouring around your body like the hug you deserve for all you do. Cheers here's to a good night sleep of pure bliss enjoy!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Relax and enjoy.
At the end of the day who takes care of you?, you! Make a choice no matter what you relax and enjoy each and every day and night. Work hard, play hard , laugh and live and at the end of the day rest well for the next, you never know what kinda day your gonna have but you'll know you'll rest every night the same. Cheers.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kick back and enjoy the fireworks in every sense this year. Make that bbq count and the company you share it with. Laugh your heads off and eat lots and then kick back and reflect on your perfect day enjoying pyrotechnic spender and enjoy. The fireworks over Tahoe lake are like wow! enjoy.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
lots of shorts and tee shirts?
We have the solution to accommodate your vast collection of summer wear. Solid wood dove tail joints and beautiful finishes that are non toxic. The surface is smooth and vast to accommodate all your picture frames etc too.Pull a drawer out with out the sway some dressers offer outfit the bod to soak up the sun. Cheers.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Time for an upgrade.
I have the solution.... take time to rest and relax. Invest in a great bed today and sleep better tonight. We make 33 comfort levels to choose from. We can make a mattress anyway you want them and hardwood frames with strength and style.There is always a sale of some sort to accommodate so come on in and check it out.
Friday, June 17, 2011
The earth seems to be sooo big yet it's a tiny little speck in the milky way! So let's keep that in mind when we think we're all that and a bag of chips. Can we have a little humility please and treat each other with some compassion and a little respect.Let's think of the positive stuff and dump the rest in the circular file.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
June 21st first day of summer.
Get your rest on cool cotton,wool and latex this summer .... you know why cause wool is body temperature regulating and dissipates moisture, cotton absorbs moisture and cools the body and latex is a natural coolant and hypo allergic as well. Great weather, great mights sleep and let the days and nights do the rest in making this one of your best summers yet!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Give me some space.
I really like the idea of a futon for my guest bedroom but it's a tiny room.I have heard this line a hundred plus times and there is a solution. Love seat with oomph! What is it?, well let me show you. Now all you need to do is pick out your favorite style/mattress/cover and your ready to go. Come on in and I'll show you around. Cheers.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Flag day.
Couldn't be nicer weather for flag day. If you get too hot out there,with your sunscreen and umbrella a swim would be nice. What ever it may be enjoy the beautiful day. If you however don't want to feel the heat try somewhere with cool air blowing and browse around.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Look at the beauty.
I see so many people walking around angry,unkind and down right miserable. I really believe they are not getting enough sleep. I see so many cars at night swerving and that have forgotten to turn their head lights on also sleep deprivation. The answer is please get sleep and improve the value and safety of life for you and others.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wake up refreshed and ready for the breezy sunny day . Don't toss and turn another night just sleep soundly and dream deeply on one of our outstanding hand crafted futon mattresses and you will be happy all year.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011
blue green and cloud nine.
Friday, June 3, 2011
35 years in buisness.
Choose the futon that is right for you. Firm soft or med what color frame and style. what color mattress cover. how much wall space do you have. We have every thing you need at a terrific value and outstanding quality. So come on in and have a look and we'll see you here. Cheers.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Notice the difference.
Soft, organic cool cotton is so nice for summer time especially. Come try the difference of hand crafted futon vs manufactured. Want a frame that will look nice and last long? Come notice the difference.... Indonesian sustainably grown , hard wood vs pine etc. You buy from us once and shopping is done... relaxation has just begun.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lets be blunt ,ok!.
The futon shop is having it's 35th anniversary and it's no surprise!! Each and every futon is hand crafted with integrity and love for a craft Suzanne Diamond has mastered to a perfection. These futon's are a pleasure for me to sell and I sleep one one myself because they are outstanding. Come in and try them for your self and I guarantee you'll be as impressed as every one else is! Cheers.
Wool is a favorite of mine. It is cool yet warm and regulates body temperature. Great for bedding from futon internal to outer blanket. If I could get a organic cotton wool filled pillow I would be utterly thrilled. Wool absorbs moisture but not liquid. If you have joint pain wool will help it immensely. I found a site you might find interesting enjoy.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
We appreciate our freedom this Memorial day.
Take a moment of silence and solute our brave young men past and present for their loyalty and honor in serving their country unselfishly and with admirable strength stamina and courage. Thank you and Thank you. May you be blessed and comforted this day and many to come how grateful we all should be!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
The danger of sleep deprivation is vast as the day is long.
I happened upon a video that surprised me, to say the least. The video is very eye opening and interesting. It's true we need our sleep and we need to induce that with not only a comfortable mattress but also proper diet etc Cheers..
Thursday, May 26, 2011
fairy tale or futon mattress?
Goldie locks made for an innocent little ramble through la la land for kids, cute story yet futons don't need to be too hard futons don't need to be too soft our futons are always,34 years so far,just right. Stop in and have a look and feel the difference in your life today. Cheers. p.s one of my favorites!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dream a little dream in perfect comfort!
I must admit at one point I too slept on a conventional mattress and hated futons with a passion. How can that be you might ask. Well I slept on a couple 2 or 3 really bad futons and assumed they were all cheap and uncomfortable. I spy ed into the Futon Shop one day and was amazed not only with the Futons but also with the gorgeous frames. Courteous I sat on a few and once on the viscose deluxe /http://www.thefutonshop.comwas stunned as the hatred for futons dissipated as I realized I just had not sat on an outstanding quality futon. Slept like a pup the first night and ever sense.TRUE STORY!! Come try for yourself and be as amazed as I was. Cheers.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
before and after.
Be ready for a good night sleep on one of our hand crafted futons made especially for you or the one you love. 34 years of practice makes perfect comfort for you and your family. So come on in to the Futon Shop and prep for the best night sleep of your life!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sunshine is sweet.
Ahhhh bask in the sun that we have been waiting for too long , I hope it lasts. I think it's time to do some parks,beaches,biking, etc.... Plant the flowers primp the lawn walk yada yada yada. What ever it is make sure you have a blast and enjoy. Cheers.
Friday, May 20, 2011
A mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Why is it that the beautiful creatures that we are and can be we appreciate so little about our fellow man? I found this amazingly profound and fascinating clip completely compelling to appreciate all people around me even more than I already do. It's all about love.... Lets celibate life and ability embrace each other and enjoy.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dorm rooms need love too!
Ok you have a million things to do and you don't have a lot of room,no pun intended, any how let's get something affordable,stylish and comfortable c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e-!!!!, and after your rigorous busy tiring dedicated fun days and nights crash and dream a million dreams for a few dollars. Here ... check this out! Cheers :) P.S Come see me I'll throw in assembly too cause....... you don't have to let us do it for you!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Deep blue wonderland.
Fascinating creatures and so useful. Sharks are considered this fierce creature that needs to be controlled .An ocean without sharks equals echo system disaster. If they startle individuals please stay out of their ocean We have our land and they are entitled to their water wonderland. Respect nature and all the joy it has to offer..
Sunday, May 15, 2011
It's a green day!
The grass is green, the forest is green, my nails are green!! OK maybe not my nails and maybe not most of the futons out there. Echo friendly just because you care about you, your family and our world we have to live in. No out gassing and total comfort zero guilt !Cheers. p.s 34 years making futons to bring a top notch product to you!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
green planet blue sky.
We are responsible for a lot of what goes into our body's and as a result what goes into the land fills. If we support organic farming that's less pesticides we're helping contribute to the earth. We as a result feel better on many levels as a result of this one simple act. Please support all organic in all you do, eat ,wear sleep on ,and are... and let's each make a big difference together.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The power of green.
Spring into action this spring and enjoy relaxation it it's finest. I used to sleep on a manufactured mattress.and it was fine but hot and loud for the coils, hated it. I love my futon wool,cotton and viscose memory foam mmmm total comfort and natural. No loud coils and sleep like a baby . Cheers. K. The futon shop
Monday, May 9, 2011
cute cute cute!
I love it! every where you turn there's another precious little puppy prancing along pampered and content to be out and about. Hmmmmm wonder if they know how much their unconditional love light up lives as they so appreciate just a kind hello and tasty snack and such a small price to pay for such simplistic and precious joy, gotta love it! Cheers. K 5.9
Sunday, May 8, 2011
It's a very special day today.
It's mother's day..... the day to celibate life you've brought unto yourself and enjoy the honors that life force gives back to you.. saying.. thanks mom for all the times you were there and have been just because your you and I love you Mom..... your the greatest and this is your day! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY YOU DESERVING WOMEN THAT YOU ARE...... ENJOY!!!!!! K 5.8
Friday, May 6, 2011
BUSY defined.
Being Under Society's Yolk. Who said if you didn't work 60 hrs a week your life would fall apart and when did the need to strive for more more more dictate our moods to the point we're laughing one moment and crying the next. I say step outside the box and be free of fear and stress that is sucking the very life force out of so many that their either viscous,depressed or apathetic. Enjoy, live and relax for in the end you don't see a hearse followed by a u haul. K 5.6
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
bring back your innocents..
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Time for tea.
I have been drinking more tea lately and it's not only refreshing but relaxing as well. It causes sleep and relaxation, depending on the time of day or evening consumed. This is an alcohol age the ice in a glass and some scotch or a glass of wine or perhaps a beer or two, try something diff and enjoy next time reach for the tea you'll feel better, sleep better and think better. cheers. P.S I think she snuck a shot or two of something in hers! lol. K 4.29
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Not sleeping well?
I have found a nice vigorous brisk walk and good green tea with chamomile does the trick quite nicely. The body must have ample quantities of sleep pr night to be a happy grounded and satisfied individual so...... Learn to relax with a nice tea and book and sleep min 6 hrs for me is good and on days off about 10 hrs pr night and naps. cheers. K 4.28
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Ok if you decide to get a puppy this spring check out chaweenie pups, they are totally smart feisty and hilarious antics 24/7 totally smart and well behaved give or take teething time then look out and defiantly they need a play mate pup to play with as they are full of energy.Cheers. K 4.27
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
People who need people.
What a boring world it would be if everybody were the same. No challenge no change no laughter no tears it would be very lonely and quite mundane. I like to live each day like it's my last moment by moment enjoying the good and enduring the bad, challenging me to grow in wisdom patience and love. Cheers we're all in this together. K 4.26
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Earth day vs easter.
Two things to celibate that go hand and hand with one another. The earth needs to be enjoyed and the designer needs to be honored. I love painting so much, you can take a plain canvas and paint a masterpiece at your leisure What comes to the imagination with shape and color is so nice. Celibate this year with an appreciation for creativity and enjoy. .K 4.23
Friday, April 22, 2011
I enjoy kicking back and watching life and it's kicks and giggles so laugh it off and wait! Trust the process and enjoy a comedy.., and sometimes you don't need a tv to see a comedy just walk out your front door and live a little! It's too entertaining to miss out on so enjoy the rhythm of life. cheers! K 4.22
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